If your goal with your marketing is to get more customers, then law firm advertising will be essential for your growth. Advertising combined with a landing page filled with call-to-action such as call us buttons or contact forms will allow your law firm to capture new potential customers. Advertising is dependent on proper campaign strategy and creation as well as your ad budget. The more you have to spend, the more your ads will outbid your competitors and rank higher.


Your law firm advertising can be performed in many ways. It can be done through Google and or Bing ads, it can be done through Facebook/Instagram ads, and it can be done through Linkedin ads. If you are serving customers: high profile professionals, CEO’s, and other high asset holders, Google and or Bing ads may be the way to go. If your target clientele is the nouveau riche aged 18-34, Facebook/Instagram may be the way to go. If you are serving older C- Executives and enterprise corporations, Linkedin ads would be good to do. 


If you are wondering whether ads work, a law firm advertising statistic shows that 58% of all traffic for lawyers comes from paid search. Interestingly enough, according to the American Bar Association, 28% of solo firms use Linkedin and 37% use Facebook. In comparison, 35% of smaller firms use Linkedin and the same percentage use Facebook. We offer organic social media management as well as paid Facebook and Linkedin ads. 


If you are investing in paid ads, there is nothing more important than getting results. Results in marketing we call conversions. Simply stated this means that when a potential customer clicks on your ad or calls you from it, we track that. With third-party tracking we can capture the number or even record the call with a whisper feature. With standard Google analytics and Adwords conversion tracking or Facebook pixels we can also track conversions. 


When we are hired to do your marketing, our focus is on getting you results from the law firm ads we do for you. The first step is having a high performance website. Having a website that has multiple call-to-action areas and lead capture forms and phone number buttons can increase conversions for your law firm as much as 10% or more. So we will start with a thorough analysis of your current website, and either modify it, or can create a high performing landing page with a focus on your highest converting related keywords. Then we will test out the landing page and laser target your ideal leads. Finally, we will measure and track everything and give you reports and updates monthly to see our progress.