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Facebook ads are a great way to boost your brand and get leads for your business. Facebook is an amazing tool that generates massive amounts of sales for companies each year. There are 2.80 billion monthly active users on this platform and when done right, Facebook ads can convert really well. Facebook ad types take many forms and there are various targeting options. If you have no clue how to do the ads and would like to hire a professional, contact us today.

Facebook advertising offers many different options to provide both the company and the viewer of the ad with variety. If a viewer sees the same type of ads all the time, they will experience boredom; and hence Facebook offers diverse types. Here are the types of Facebook ads there are:
Image Ads
Image ads are ads using images. You can boost a post using an image ad, or do Facebook Ads that are highly targeted using an image ad. The more impactful and relevant the image is the better it will be received by the audience. Most image ads that don’t work are either too vague in their message or are off the mark. Image ads that work well are often those that are combined with influencer marketing strategies. Need ads?
Slideshow Ads
Need ads that load quickly for people even on slower internet connections? Try Slideshow Ads. With these types of ads you can make short form video ads using photos, short video clips or even text. Using your Ads manager you can create your ad creative with text and music.
Video Ads
Video ads can appear in your News Feed and Stories or in your Facebook videos that are longer as in-stream ads. The best video ads are professionally created and showcase your company or service or product depending on your offer. Video ads should capture the viewers attention in the first 2 seconds. Video ads that arouse an emotion are always more successful in converting your audience into a customer. Want to hire an expert?
Poll Ads
This Facebook ad format offers an interactive experience by incorporating a poll with two options to an image or video ad. For each of the poll choices a separate link can be added as well and the responses will be visible to all parties involved. Poll ads are an interesting way to run ads that are not often used.
Carousel Ads
Carousel ads allow us to embed up to ten images or videos within the square ad format templates that are there for our use. We can use Carousel ads to show our product or service in sequence. You can also use Carousel ads like a catalogue to showcase your products and pricing. With these types of ads you can highlight a product’s benefits, or multiple products and can also use all the photos together much like a fashion spread. Want to try Carousel ads?
Instant Experience Ads
This is just another name for the Canvas Ads that Facebook used to have. They are the same and just have a different name. They are a full-screen ad creative format that is mobile optimized and designed to be engaging. Your viewers can see videos and photos, observe your include carousel feature, shop on the ad as you want with this type of ad.
Collection Ads
With Collection Ads you can include image and videos that customers can click on to purchase a product or service. This type of ad can be paired with Instant Experiences and offer a fun mobile shopping experience. Have an e-commerce store and a nice budget?
Lead Ads
Leads Ads are created specifically for collecting leads. They are formatted to allow the viewer have their information auto-filled with a click on the ad making it a very simple conversion process. This is the type of ad we use a lot for dealerships and car dealership marketing and is mobile friendly.
Dynamic Ads
Dynamic ads are used for retargeting. If a potential customer who visited your product page somehow got busy and forgot to make the purchase, the ad will show that product again to that customer in their newsfeed. Dynamic ads can also be used for multi-language targeting. Have advertising spend ready to go to get those leads?
Facebook Messenger Ads
Facebook Messenger Ads come in four different types and appear in the newsfeed. The beauty of this type of ad is it features a Call to Action button which can open up into a Messenger conversation.
Stories Ads
Stories ads are vertical ads that are featured on Stories. They are mobile responsive and made for Stories. These ads can be featured on Facebook and Instagram.
Augmented Reality Ads
Augmented Reality ads use animation and filters to show users what they would experience if they wore a certain product; ie. how a pair of sunglasses may look on their face.
Facebook Quiz Ads
Facebook Quiz Ads are truly successful in generating leads. Combined with ads that retarget and provide a great mobile experience, quiz ads are excellent at capturing your viewers attention.
Source: Facebook
(We are not related to Facebook in anyway. We just run ads using their platform.)
If you are a car dealership that wants to see some ads we have done for other dealerships, let us know. If you have an SMB and are ready to run some ads to generate leads, we have some special packages for you. If you have a medspa and would like to generate an interactive quiz like experience and get more clients, please contact us. Ready to do Facebook ads?